Classifier4J 0.2 Released

I did my first formal release (v0.2) of Classifier4J (Bayesian text classification)
via SourceForge a couple of days ago. It's an interesting experience – I swear I've spend more time wrestling with Maven and CVS than
I have actually writing code. At the moment I have a very interesting error when I have
the CVS repository in my project.xml:

maven-checkstyle-plugin:report: [echo] Generating the Change Log... maven-changelog-plugin:report: [echo] Generating the changelog report BUILD FAILED null:37:50: null:56:15: null Total time: 11 seconds

I don't have a clue what that means, so I've commented it out at the moment. Maybe I need a command line CVS client? I'll
try that after I post this.

My future plans for Classifier4J include:

  • Include some demos
  • Making it use JISP instead of a JDBC datasource
  • Everything in my task list
  • Other, non Bayesian implementations.

All in all, I'm not overly happy with this release, but I wanted to get myself moving on it again.

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