The more I use Classifier4J enabled version of NNTP//RSS,
the more convinced I am that this is a useful innovation.
Now I've ironed out a few bugs in the initial version, I'm making it available for people to play with. Note this isn't
an official NNTP//RSS release or patch, use at your own risk and all the bugs are mine and not Jason's.
In particular the user interface for classification (“Tick a check-box if you like an article and press “Classify”) is kind
of crude. However, I am using it as my primary aggregator.
- Download and install NNTP//RSS version 0.3 from sourceforge.
- Download my patch.
- Unzip my patch over the top of the NNTP//RSS installation.
- Point your newsreader at NNTP//RSS. Train the classifier by going through a few blogs and classifying the articles.
- Marvel at how well something so simple works.
There is a slight performance hit everytime you read the a new blog in your newsreader for the first time – this is Classifier4J working.
Items which are considered matches have [ClassifierMatch] appended to the subject line. An additional header “Match-Probability” is also
provided which shows how well an item “matches”.