More on JSR168

As mentioned previously, I'm currently
implementing JSR168. I've now got an implementation that does most of what we need at work (Portlets work, can switch modes,
can switch window states etc).

I'm pretty with the spec – it appears to be pretty well thought out. There are a couple of small issues (how
init parameters and portlet preferences relate, for instance, and I noticed one inconsistancy between the Javadoc and the
Spec which I can't remember right now), but mostly it has been an enjoyable experience.

I've noticed that Hani has done an
implementation, and
Rickard is doing one too.

I'm wondering what people are going to do when the reference
becomes available? At the moment the jetspeed2 cvs is un-buildable because it required the Pluto jars from IBM,
which aren't released yet. The Pluto jars contain the reference
implementation for a JSR168 portlet container
.When they become available will people switch to them? I probably intend
to, depending on how easily we can embed them into out infrastructure. I won't know for sure until I see the code, though,
and there's no real solid date on when that will happen. In the mean time, I'm working on a JSP/Taglib based Portlet aggregator,
with no way of knowing how it will need to tie into the reference container.

(BTW, is there a mailing list or something that other container implementors discuss aggregator design on? I'd love
to pick the brains of those who have been-there-done-that…)

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