Java Projects Someone Should Write

I often come up with “really good ideas” for programming projects (many may not actually be good ideas, but
who's counting..). Since I don't have time to do these projects, perhaps someone else will. Let me know if you finish any of

Aggregator using the Rich Client Platform & Classifier4J

JMX console for Eclipse

Proper java launching exe's, which examine the hardware they run on and pass appropriate arguments to the VM. There
would be separate launchers for different configs, eg “javaserver.exe”, “javaclient.exe” etc.

A better build tool (and/or decent docs for Maven)

A taglib based Portal for Apache Pluto

An application infrastructure thing that downloads Jars from the Maven repositry as they are required (aside – that
repositry really should be mirrored)

Sync4J – a java library that will sync two directories by using various methods including email.
(yes, I know about RSync in Java, but the email thing is important to me).

A Velocity based XDoclet replacement that actually works. It should include
a translation tool to translate xdt XDoclet files into Velocity templates.

An XDoclet template for JSR168 Portlets

A web application framework that merges the web request<->response model and
messaging (possibly JMS): A request is sent down a message bus, and services
on the bus can subscribe to particular request types (think specific URLs).
The services modify the application data model, and when all services have
processed the request a response in generated, which is sent back up the bus
for processing by presentation services.

Dashboard in Java

A project like MS Application Blocks, but for J2EE (and don't suggest the
“Core J2EE Patterns” book. That book is good, but the code isn't alway
exactly right).

Something which exposes JMX attributes as Windows Performance Monitors
(think JDK 1.5 VM as well as app server monitoring). An Australian developer blogs aggregator.

A Java Servlet Filter version DOSEvasion

I'll update this post with more projects as I remember them.

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