I picked up a nice little tip for easy conversion between an int and a String. Previously I'd always done something like
int one = 1;
String str = String.valueOf(one);
The alternative is
int one = 1;
String str = one + "";
From the bytecode point of view it isn't quite as efficient:
L0 (0) ICONST_1 ISTORE 1: one L1 (3) ILOAD 1: one INVOKESTATIC String.valueOf(int) : String ASTORE 2: str L2 (7) RETURN L3 (9)
L0 (0) ICONST_1 ISTORE 1: one L1 (3) NEW StringBuffer DUP ILOAD 1: one INVOKESTATIC String.valueOf(int) : String INVOKESPECIAL StringBuffer.(String) : void INVOKEVIRTUAL StringBuffer.toString() : String ASTORE 2: str L2 (11) RETURN L3 (13)
All the same, I'd never thought of using autoconversion to convert to a string like that before. (note this doesn't rely on JDK 1.5 autoboxing)