Legacy RDF

I get to chat a bit with Ben Adida who, having been left with my legacy of using RDF for Creative Commons found himself chair of the RDF-in-HTML task force (quite possibly the worst job in the W3C — I should ask him how he did it sometime) and, now discovering that overnight a major competitor (Microformats, pushed by Technorati) has arisen, is trying to get them to convert. I've been friends with the Technorati guys and I take their position, telling Ben that it's a hopeless endeavor. Ben is a little shocked at this — I was the one who got him on the RDF train after all — and pushes back. And eventually he manages to convince me that it wouldn't require hardly any additional work from the Microformats guys to be RDF A-compatible.

Aaron Swartz

I'm currently working on a metadata related project, and I find RDF the most annoying thing to work with. Every time anyone dares to question RDF the RDFites assume they don't know how it works. That's why it is good to see former RDF proponents like Aaron beginning to realize that perhaps the worse-is-better argument applies in the XML formats vs RDF field as well as in most other areas.

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