The article on the Server Side about Web-Harvest reminded me on one of my favourite things: using XPath to extract data from HTML documents.
Obviously, XPath won't work normall on most real-world webpages, because they aren't valid XML. However, the magic of TagSoup gives you a SAX-parser that will work on ugly HTML. You can then use XPath against that SAX stream.
Here's the magic innvocation to make TagSoup, XOM and XPath all work together:
XMLReader tagsoup = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser"); tagsoup.setFeature("",true); Builder bob = new Builder(tagsoup); Document doc =;
which then allows you to do things like:
XPathContext context = new XPathContext("html", ""); Nodes table = doc.query("//html:table[@class='forumline']", context);
Cool, hu?
Can you tell, if there’s a possibility to pair up Tagsoup and Rome?
Yes, for sure. You could use TagSoup to cleanse HTML data in RSS/Atom. I don’t know of anyone has done it, though
That’s it, so far I’ve seen no-one and my attempts have failed :)
This is great stuff.
I had the problem of unquoted html attributes (such as ‘href=’) which screwed up my initial approaches using SAX/JDOM/….
I had to figure out the imports (maven dependencies) which were ‘tagsoup’ and ‘xom’.
The line
XPathContext context = new XPathContext(“html”, “”)
causes all html tags in your document to only be xpath-addressable using the prefix html.
Meaning: In order to get all html links with images inside them, you have to use
doc.query(“//html:a[//html:img]”, context); //note the prefix html
best regards