At work we've been stung (fortunately on an internal system only) by a JDK
bug which we weren't aware of. Did you know that under JDK1.4.1 once 2036
files are open any subsequent opens will delete the file that was supposed
to be opened? Obviously this is NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!! Note that
the file that gets deleted could be a class, a jar or something like web.xml
– it gets deleted! Tracking down THAT bug was NOT FUN. We found it in a
web-app. It was behaving weirdly, so I attempted to restart it, which meant
the web.xml was re-read, and deleted!
See for the gory details and a test case.
Even if you are careful with making sure you close your files, you can never
be sure about 3rd party components.
Fortunately, experimentation has show that it seems to be fixed in JDK1.4.2 –
although the bug isn't marked as closed. Nice to see Sun keeps track of what
bugs they fix…