This is (mostly) for the Aussies amoung you. Media Watch had a
story tonight
on how online polls run by newspapers are being rigged. Apparently this is quite a big deal – questions
are being asked in senete hearings. Here's a quote:
The NSW north coast paper had asked if the Liberals should field a candidate against the local national party member at the next state election. The Nats are desperate to avoid such three-corner contests. We'll let Labor Senator John Faulkner take up the story. There were 44 votes on his poll at 8 pm on the Monday night after it had been started and the web address was being given and then it got bombarded with hundreds of hits primarily from two locations. And this is the issue I want to raise with you: one of those locations is linked to the Dept of - according to news reports - was linked to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. - Senate hearing, 2 June 2003 Watch video >> The hapless DFAT official being grilled confirmed that a staffer of the Minister for Trade - that's the National Party's Mark Vaile - was responsible for casting the votes - 337 "No" votes it turns out - from a computer in the minister's parliamentary office. Someone else - never identified - then started casting hundreds of "Yes" votes in favour of the Libs..