I’ve just pushed out a release of ROME core, ROME Fetcher and ROME modules.
For those who don’t know, ROME is a (the?) Java library for handling RSS and Atom. Unlike some other libraries it is pretty stable (18 months since the last release) and has a low number of dependencies (one – JDom – if all you need is parsing)
The annoucement, including links is at https://rome.dev.java.net/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=2656
The thing I’m most pleased about (and the number one source of complaints about ROME) is that I’ve pushed it to the java.net Maven repository, so now it will be easier to use from Maven. Further details are at http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javawsxml/RomeAndMaven2
Nick, thanks! We all use this library, so it’s great to see someone step up, make it active gain,and cut out new releases.
Thanks for releasing and maintaining Rome!